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Extra Info
When contacting us, using correct terminology will help us understand better and solve problems faster. For instance, Registrations refers to registering with IABCA to be eligible to receive titles earned at our shows. Entries are for signing up to attend one of our International Dog Shows.
Contact Information
International Dog Shows
4742 Liberty Rd S #159
Salem, Oregon 97302
Phone: (503) 316-9860
Fax: (859) 406-4608
Also, please subscribe to our Mail List
Would you like to be notified of International Dog Shows shows in your area? Or get emails about sales and promotions from IABCA? Go to our MAIL LIST page and inter your info
When you sign up on our Mail List you'll receive email updates about any shows in your area of the country. You may also receive a Postcard in the mail. Go to our Mail List page to sign up.